For a while, Markella wondered why a bigger deal wasn't made about International Women's Day. At least on a local level. She had this idea that local women had incredible stories that needed to be shared, and also- why are we only listening to big names talk about Female Empowerment when there are so many amazing women right here in Hampton Roads? So she started planning and some of the pieces fell into place, and some had to be a bit coaxed. But before long, the Buzz caught on, and even Markella had people sending her the link to her own event (not knowing it was hers). The idea was to have an All Female Group of about 12 women speak for about 5 minutes each and give a little "mini TED Talk" about something they have overcome, a tough time in their life, or something inspirational.
You can get your tickets to our event on March 7th on EventBrite. Seating is limited, so don't wait! Sponsorships Available below.
We created a program in 2024 with 19 Local Female Speakers on International Women's Day held at the Chrysler Museum's Kaufman Hall where these women shared their stories of success, struggle, triumph and heartbreak on a stage in front of over 200 attendees. This was also a great Networking Opportunity. There was a social hour prior to the event where food & refreshments were served and everyone could socialize. The speakers got VIP tickets for their guests, and we had lots of Door prizes to give out during the intermission. Sponsors were able to put items and offers into a takeaway VIP Swag Bag for the first 100 people to get a ticket at entrance. The response was incredible and this will be an annual event for HRNG. In fact, we are having a spinoff monthly event as well, called S.H.E. Talks Fireside Chats, a monthly event starting Friday January 31st where 2024 speakers each get to chat more about their topics and take questions.
We are so excited to present our 2nd Annual S.H.E. Talks Event!
Support our International Women's Day Event through a Sponsorship! Click the Photo for Payment Link.
1 Exclusive Sponsorship Availabe
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3 Sponsorships Available
This sponsorship includes:
5 Sponsorships Available
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Support our International Women's Day Event through a Sponsorship-- Click the Photo for Payment Link.
This includes:
This includes:
This includes:
Support our International Women's Day Event by Donating a Door Prize. Click the Photo for Payment Link.
Donate $100 towards a Door Prize to be Recognized at our Event! We do the work and put together a gorgeous gift basket for you! Prizes are given out during the "Intermission"
Donate $50 towards a Door Prize to be Mentioned at our Event! We do the work and put together a gorgeous gift basket for you! Prizes are given out during the "Intermission"
Donate a $50 Giftcard or Gift worth $50 or more to our event and we will mention your business during the Door Prize Drawing. *Please Make Arrangements to bring Giftcards and Prizes Prior to the event by emailing
Please contact us at with any questions
Starting in January, we will get to revisit our Strong, Hopeful & Empowered Ladies from 2024 and sit down with our Speakers in a more intimate setting and go more in depth with their stories! Introducing our S.H.E. TALKS FIRESIDE CHATS. We will meet each month at Love Godesss Studio in Virginia Beach. The perfect setting for these events! Don't miss it. We will meet the last Friday of every month at 10:30am to 12:00 pm. Register on EventBrite. See you there!